How the process works
To transform a logo, name, sketch—or any art for that matter—into embroidery, the image will have to be digitized. To digitize an image, specialized computer software has to convert the art into stitches then the digitized image is electronically saved on a USB or hard disk and uploaded to the embroidery machine. Once loaded and set to the desired specifications, the embroidery machine then uses the digital instructions to create and design with threads.
Review Art Submission
When we receive your design, we review the art for fine detail, gradients and small lettering that may not translate well. Upon completion of a detailed review, we will contact you to provide our recommendation or give you some options if we determine your logo will not embroider well on a particular garment.
Pricing is determined based on size, character amount and complexity of your artwork.
To ensure a reasonable shipping expectation time, please allow about 2 weeks from the time you place your order until your order is shipped to you. Also, allow 1-5 business days for shipping.
Contact us for a free quote. We look forward to working with you.